Monday, November 15, 2010

Hopefully the end of a dry spell!

I know it's been a long time between posts, but I promise I have still be writing for the blog. It's just taken me longer then expected to sort out my incoherant thoughts!

What is due to follow shortly is basically a list of Do's and Dont's for landlords and tenants alike. I feel like I could have continued writing this thing for years, but I've tried to stop myself from repeating myself as much as possible. I swear, some time it's like wanting to shake people to make sure it's sinking in! I could give this list to all of my landlords and tenants, and constantly refer them back to the list whenever they ask me a stupid question, but it still feels like talking to a brick wall.

Why do people think certain things don't apply to them? But I digress, if everyone were to read these lists, and at the same time apply basic rules of common courtesy and decency, then my job would be so much easier! It would be a giant step towards making the world a better place to live!! Well, maybe that's a slight exageration, but it's such a small thing, that would help us all get along!

I still have a few kinks to iron out, but the first post to this series should be up over the next couple of days. I apologise in advance, but the tenant list will span several posts, where as the landlord list will be much shorter.

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