Thursday, December 8, 2011
Carpet Cleaning Misconceptions
These requirements came into effect on 31 January 2011, as part of the new tenancy laws. Before that, many tenancy agreements stated that the tenant had to pay for professional carpet cleaning, even though this was not supported by the law. The new laws have made the situation a lot clearer.
However, this does not mean that the tenant cannot be made to pay for cleaning of stained or dirtied carpet.
Tenants are required to keep the premises reasonably clean and to leave the premises in the same condition as they were at the start of the tenancy, other than fair wear and tear. Where a tenant moves out leaving the carpet dirty, for example by spilling red wine, or high traffic areas, the landlord can ask the tenant to pay for cleaning or can make a claim on the tenant’s bond. However, where a tenant regularly vacuums and looks after the carpet and leaves it clean, there is no automatic right to ask the tenant to pay for professional cleaning.
Also, while trying not to go all religious on you, the Catholic's Golden Rule - Do unto others, as you would have done to yourself - I feel applies in this instance. Personally I like to know that the carpets have been professionally steam cleaned before I move into a property - you know, hygene and all that?? - So I will always make sure the carpets are professionally steam cleaned when I leave a property.
It's just a nice thing to do...
"Don’t let your tenancy go away with you"
The full newsletter can be found here;
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
In case you didn't realise - Christmas is on again!
Every year it's not uncommon to hear the phrase 'I couldn't pay my rent, I had to buy the kids presents'.
Now I love Christmas. I love giving gifts and receiving gifts and absolutely everything that goes with Christmas, so please don't think me a Scrooge when I say what I'm about to say...
If you can't afford both rent and Christmas presents then maybe you should have a 'home made' Christmas this year. Seriously, what's more important? A dozen more cheap plastic toys or a roof over the kid's heads?
Christmas comes every year. Every year! I know this year has just flown by, but when we started it, you knew at the end of it there would be a Christmas. If there's any possibility that it's going to be a choice between Christmas and rent then you really should be putting a little money away every week to help out. It doesn't sneak up on you, it's the same day every year, it should not come as a surprise. Be prepared!
As a side note, your car registration/insurance comes every year too. Expect it!