There are many companies that send out employees for training in rural areas, but for some reason the Government doesn't see fit to do the same for people who really need help.
I have never been able to understand how hoarding is defined. I can understand having a sentimental attachment to things that have come into your house, however I've never understood how that then turns into not cleaning and not putting things away. The house pictured above wouldn't be half as bad if things that are obviously rubbish - empty food containers etc. were thrown away, laundry was put away, groceries to be put away - the pantry in this property is practically empty, as the food items are strewn around the kitchen and lounge room, and if dishes were washed and put away. There is an unknown food substance that has been squished onto the kitchen floor, which has been there since before Christmas - what sentimental value does that have?!? Why can hoarders not clean up after themselves?
Hoarding has now been pigeon holed into a category defined as "Hoarding & Squalor" which does make more sense when it comes to the filth and the smell. However there is no clear cut diagnosis which says "Yes, this person has a disability which causes them to live like this."
There needs to be more done for people who live like this, either something as small as education/therapy or as severe as a forced clean out every month, which they need to fund themselves.
I had one tenant try and describe it to me as "If someone came into your house and said 'You need to get rid of half your belongings' you'd have trouble with it". I felt inclined to agree with her until I really thought about it. If someone told me it was either get rid of half my belongings or lose my house, you can bet half of my belongings would take no time to clear out.
Sorry this entry has been a little disjointed, I just find it so difficult to comprehend... If you, or anyone you know needs help with hoarding please try and get help. The damage it can cause to a property can not be undone.